Postbox to PST conversion

Days of keeping up with and compromising with underperforming methods of Postbox to PST Conversion are now long gone. You don’t have to keep up with incomplete conversion processes or data losses. You can achieve the perfect conversion process that you have been wishing for your whole life. All you need to do is switch up to this exceptional conversion solution and everything post that will be better.

The intelligent way of converting Postbox to PST

It is clear that there is some problem with directly converting Postbox to Outlook or else you wouldn’t have landed on this article. The problem with directly converting the data from your Postbox account to Windows Outlook account is an issue of compatibility.

Postbox runs on MacOS and makes use of MBOX format for storing the data of its users. The file format is completely different from the PST format used by Windows Outlook. Therefore, when you need to transfer the data from your Postbox account to your Windows Outlook account you ned to convert your Postbox data to PST.

Professional converter tools are the preferred way of converting your data from Postbox to PST. They outclass the traditional manual methods of conversion by the modern technological support they provide. The features of these tools add to the efficiency of your conversion process. The only thing that you need to do is choose the right the converter tool.

Mail Extractor Pro: The tool to go for

Out of hundreds of tools present in the market, USL Software’s Mail Extractor Pro makes a very special and long-lasting impact. This ultimate conversion solution offers you all the best features required and available into one single conversion machine.

Postbox to PST conversion

It can not only convert Postbox to PST, but also converts Apple Mail to PST as well.

A great combination of power, precision and ease, the tool makes the conversion process better, faster and easier. It provides features like:

Smart Conversion Process:

The tool ignores the empty folders present in the email database files during your conversion process. This quickens the conversion process and helps in maximizing the efficiency of the conversion process.

Easy to Use:

The interface of the tool is one of the easiest interfaces for a converter tool. It only provides what is necessary for the conversion process and even helps you out with a step by step guide.

Batch Conversion of Files:

The tool provides you with the feature of converting more than one file at a single instance. The tool allows you to select all the files that you want to convert and then in a single go it converts it all.

Exceptional Conversion Accuracy:

Conversion accuracy of this converter tool is one of its best features. It helps you in getting the most out of your Postbox to PST conversion process by converting everything present in the input database files.

Download the free trial of the tool to try out all these features and a lot more like them.


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